Breaking Records: GEM Enviro Management Limited IPO Subscribed 244.09 Times on Final Day! Check GMP here
GEM Enviro Management Limited specializes recycling all packaging waste, including plastic wastes. The services they provide includes 1. EPR Program Management and Implementation
2. Sustainability Consultation
3. Collection and Transportation of Plastic waste
4. Education and Advocacy regarding environment management
GEM Enviro Management Limited Subscription details
GEM Enviro Management Limited recorded a total subscription of 244.09 on the final bidding day. The exact datas are-
| Category | Subscription Ratio |
| QIBs | 160.22 times |
| NII | 330.03 times |
| Retail | 240.25 times |
| Total | 244.09 times |
GEM Enviro Management Limited GMP today
The current GMP of the company is around Rs.50-60 which is around 66.67 % of the Issue price . It is expected that investors can get a profit of 66.67 % per lot if the stock lists at such GMP price. The GMP on the opening date of the IPO was s Rs. 53-63 (i.e.70.67% of the issue price) . The premium has fallen by approx 3% from that day.
Note: The GMP fluctuates on the basis of market demand.
GEM Enviro Management Limited Allotment & Listing date
The allotment of GEM Enviro Management Limited is to be done on Monday (24/06/2024) by Skyline Financial Services Private Ltd (Registrar) and the listing date of the shares is on Wednesday (26/06/2024). The shares of the company is going to list at BSE at 10 A.M on the listing date.
Related Post– GEM Enviro Management Limited IPO opens today. Check the GMP & details
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